Subject:  Giant Rock photo

Date:  Sun, 19 Jan 1997 21:59:22 -0800 (PST)

From: (J. Michael McGill)

To: abosman <>


Hi Art


I am sending you a photo of the boulder named Gaint Rock that was underneath the Otevan. In this photo you get an accurate idea of how large that rock is by seeing a car and people right next to it, factor in that the image of the Otevan in the photo was LARGER than the Giant Rock and was also farther away and high up in the air will give you an idea of how large the Otevan was, it was not a continent or planet size Otevan, but it was still huge similar to the size of Lika’s Otevan which was only ten times larger than the field of the dead. In Chapter XXXI BOOK OF THE ARC OF BON verses 26—28 describes Lika’s ship as looking like a great cloud, but brilliant nook at the Otevan photo I sent you], Chine was taken up, This is similar to ACTS 1:9-11 in THE BIBLE when Jesus was taken up by a cloud IlOtevan Etherean Ship]. My mentor Jim told me that the Ethereans told him on the ship that the cloud mentioned in the Bible that took Jesus up was a Etherean Ship, the Ethereans are the ones who took Jesus up just as they took up Chine and all the Iesu(Jesus) prophets, and they(the Ethereans would be the ones bringing him back as prophecied in the Bible. Well that is enough for now, I will tell you more later.


The Giant Rock is located out in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County California.


Best Regards








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01/20/97 12:;