Subject:  Re: re Otevan

Date:  Fri, 17 Jan 1997 21:33:52 -0800 (PST)

From: (J. Michael McGill)

To: abosman <>


Hi Art


>Sukses, I have you picture now, with a program called Key-view, This

>pro gram supports mac-binhex 40


I am glad to hear that.


>This is Fantastic. A beautifuil picture

>and so clear.Do you have any more? You can send me those if you wish tje

>same way.


The Sheriff was only able to take (1) one photo of the Ship as it was flying in to cart up my mentor Jim (Jim was taken aboard the craft, and he is the one in the photo with shorts on and no shirt, with a hat in his hand, walking between a young woman and two elderly women) . From Eye witnesses-two boys high up on a nearby hill-mountain looking down, they saw the object come strait down and then it flew away faster than there eye could keep up. The boys said it wasn’t there more than 10 seconds. The Sheriff took another photo about 2 minutes later showing the UFO gone (I can send you that one too) . I can send you a photo of the Giant Rock boulder with a car parked next to it and people standing next to it so you can see just how huge that boulder is in the photo. I can also send you a picture of the sheriff holding the photos he took. I have talked to the man who photographed the Sheriff holding his photos, this man is named Gabriel Green (a famous UFO reporter in the 50’s and 60’s from Los Angelos) Gabriel Green said that my mentor Jim was a dynamic speaker and he was the first person who claimed contact with UFO pilots to call them Ethereans. During a time when other people who claimed contact with UFO pilots were calling them Martians, Venusians, Saturnians, etc. . Jim was calling them Ethereans. Jim sayed that they could materialize and de-materialize and they could do the same thing to their ships. They (The Ethereans) told him that God the Creator was not a man and was not in the form of a man (had no form or shape), and as a matter of fact the Creator was in all of us and we are a part of him. They told him that Jesus was not our savior (Jim was a Catholic before he met the Ethereans, all of his tribe had been Christianized), and in fact no one else was our savior, we are responsible for ourselves and our own resurrection. Jim never mentioned any of their names, he said the captain of the ship was a woman, and he saw two black Ethereans on the ship as well, many of the others looked Norwegian, or of mixed racial features. Jim sayed that billions of the Ethereans lived together on a planet that was as large as the Earth. The Ethereans told him that their purpose was to travel the Universe and find planets with hu-mans (spirit—man) on them and assist them in their resurrection and salvation, actually man needed to be saved from himself, and from the spiritul-mental control of other spirit-men who wanted to control him. The Ethereans taught Jim a spiritual science called Etherealization (Ethe—realization) which was certain questions you ask someone to get them to think for themselves and find the answer and thus free them from the mental control of other spirit-men. One man who was into the UFO movement who had read OAI-{SPE told Jim about OAHSPE, told him it talked about the Ethereans and their ships, later Jim recommended to my cousin that he read OAHSPE and my cousin who introduced me to Jim showed me OAHSPE and told me about it, and that is how I got into OAHSPE.


>This is A reak proof for me that It is a etherean

>ship. And indeed A round shaped Otevan.Have Any Idea How High it is up.


Yes this is the best photograph of what Oahspe says a Airavagna or Otevan looks like that I have ever seen, especially that close to the surface of this planet.

The photograph is absolutely authentic and there is no room for fakery. I  futher page 3-2